On 03/03/11 20:18, Andreas Delmelle wrote:
> On 03 Mar 2011, at 13:08, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>>> Unless ... the viewport is where the actual rotation takes place. 
>>> IIC, the region-viewport's before-edge is still parallel to the 
>>> page-reference-area's before edge. The before-edge of the 
>>> region-reference-area, however, is the one that is rotated another 90 
>>> degrees...
>> See the following sentence in Section 6.4.15, “fo:region-before”:
>>    “The reference-orientation and writing-mode of the
>>    region-viewport-area are determined by the formatting object that
>>    generates the area (see 6.4.5 fo:page-sequence). The
>>    reference-orientation of the region-reference-area is set to "0" and
>>    is, therefore, the same as the orientation established by the
>>    region-viewport-area. The writing-mode of the region-reference-area
>>    is set to the same value as that of the region-viewport-area.”
>> So the region-reference-area has the same orientation as the
>> page-viewport-area.
> Let's assume that this refers to the default/normal situation. After all, we 
> are quoting the _general_ fo:region-before definition (= where no deviating 
> reference-orientation has been specified on the region). I would not believe 
> anyone claiming that this definition was written with the intention of 
> covering all possible combinations of reference-orientation/writing-mode.

I’m not sure I’m following. The specification is supposed to cover all
cases, isnt’it?

> The general definition just states the normal behavior: if no deviating 
> reference-orientation has been specified, the region-reference-area will have 
> the same orientation as the viewport.
> The definition of reference-orientation (7.21.3) states that a value of '90' 
> means that "the reference-orientation of this *reference-area* is rotated 90 
> degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the *containing 
> reference-area*."

Exactly. So the reference-orientation of the region-viewport-area is
rotated from the reference-orientation of the page-reference-area.

> So, specifying reference-orientation="90" on the region rotates its 
> reference-area by 90 degrees from the page-reference-area. Nothing is said 
> about the viewport here, mind you.

There is, see Section 6.4.15, “fo:region-before”:
    “The reference-orientation and writing-mode of the
    region-viewport-area are determined by the formatting object that
    generates the area (see 6.4.5 fo:page-sequence).”

> It is in the viewport that a new coordinate system is established, not 
> 'around' it, so to speak. The before-edge still remains in parallel with the 
> page-reference-area's before-edge, when looking at it from the parent.
> Inside the viewport, before/after/start/end get different meanings, for the 
> placement/dimensions of the child (reference-area).

I’m a bit puzzled. Did you see this paragraph from my first message?
    “[...] Because, as explained in Section 4.2.3, “Geometric
    Definitions”, the definition of the before/after/start/end-edges of
    the content-rectangle of an area uses the
    inline/block-progression-direction of that area; Whereas the
    border/padding/allocation-rectangles use the directions of the
    parent area.”

> Regards,
> Andreas
> ---


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