apache-extras is there for non-AL associated stuff.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Vincent Hennebert <vhenneb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28/07/11 13:52, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
>> On 28.07.2011 13:59:52 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>>> On 27/07/11 13:39, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
>>>> On 27.07.2011 12:09:58 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> <snip/>
>> I've done extensive test with various fonts.
> This is good to hear. The problem is that those tests are not publicly
> available, so if anyone else makes any changes to the font library, they
> won’t have the possibility to test them and avoid regressions. For this
> reason I think it’s very important to have tests available to everyone.
>>>> I've done that intentionally to indicate
>>>> that the variable is only just used by the following method.
>>> By putting it at a non-expected place you’re making it difficult to find
>>> the variable and understand in a quick glance what the class is made of.
>>> This hampers the readability and maintainability of the code. Given that
>>> it’s what we spend most of our time on, I find this worrying.
>> See? And I did it that way exactly because I wanted to make this more
>> readable and understandable. It's just hopeless to even try around you.
> This is great to know that you were trying to make it more readable. In
> this case though, I think putting the variable declaration in the middle
> of methods would do more harm than good, because of the very strongly
> established convention of putting all variables at the beginning of the
> class.
>>> Your needing to put the variable near to the methods that use it is
>>> a clear sign that this class is too big and needs to be split into
>>> smaller entities.
>> That's becoming a standard statement of yours.
> I’m puzzled when I read this because this is actually what is being
> recommended in every book, and by every experienced OO developer. So why
> not apply it?
> <snip/>
>>>> I'll swallow my comment to this and just do the split:
>>>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1151447&view=rev
>>> When I read this and the sarcastic message associated to the commit, I’m
>>> concerned about the unwelcoming atmosphere that is being created on this
>>> mailing list. Can we try and remain civil to each other?
>> It was meant to be sarcastic and an expression of my anger.
> I appreciate that you may be angry, how does that justify an aggressive
> tone though?
>> We two got
>> along in the last few months because we apparently went out of each
>> other's way. But that only hides the underlying problem. I cannot turn
>> myself magically into the person that can always forsee how you want
>> something done. And I'm getting really tired of having the same
>> arguments over and over. The only way I can react to this is to retreat
>> again. Which is probably what I'll be doing after finishing some of the
>> things I promised to a number of people.
>>>>> But more importantly, there is no unit test that comes with this commit.
>>>>> So there is no reason to believe that the problem is fixed and, most of
>>>>> all, will not happen again in the future. Can you please add a unit test
>>>>> for this?
>>>> No, I cannot. For licensing reasons. I can't upload the font that's
>>>> causing this into the Apache SVN repository. I'd have to artificially
>>>> construct a font that emulates this and I certainly won't try to do that.
>>> We have the DejaVuLGCSerif font in our tests/resources/fonts directory.
>>> Surely it must be possible to reproduce the issue with that font. Did
>>> you have a look at it?
>> I'm afraid, both DejaVuLGCSerif and glb12 don't have that particular
>> constellation.
> The problem is, as explained above, we need to be able to test the font
> library, and have the tests in a public place. Surely, among all the
> commonly available free fonts, there must be one that shows the problem?
> And if the fonts’ licenses are incompatible with ASL2.0, maybe we can
> set up a project on SourceForge, like for the hyphenation patterns?
> Maybe OFFO itself would be a proper host for that?
> Thanks,
> Vincent

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