The DITA-OT (DITA Open Toolkit) ( is an open source project that depends on FOP. It takes DITA ( XML input and produces a number of different document types. One of the main output types is PDF and it uses FOP to do this. It takes DITA input (xml) and produces an intermediate set of files that are processed by FOP to produce a PDF. It can also produce HTML There is a Maven plug-in to control the production in an IDE environment. It calls all the bits and pieces required to take the raw DITA XML files and output a document in PDF in the target folder.

There is some interest in adding DITA-OT to the Apache family and in my opinion, the XMLGraphics group seems like a natural home and the FOP sub-project might be a good place for DITA-OT to reside.

DITA-OT is a large community of users but a small community of developers.
There are also a few enhancement ideas that would require FOP enhancements to complete. In addition, my own belief is that the FOP community could add some technical advice to the DITA-OT community that would be helpful. is the download page. DITA-OT is currently distributed under the Apache License V2.0.

I am not one of the main players in the group but have taken on the task of seeing if there is a possibility of opening the discussion with the FOP group.

Would there be any interest in considering adding front-end XML processing to the FOP production project?


Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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