
> > That is bad news for me... I am beginning to loose faith in
> FO being a
> > practical solution for build business forms like invoices
> from XML. Has
> > anyone actually succeeded doing this?


> xsl-fo specifies vocabulary and semantics of high-quality paginated
> presentation. Does it fit you needs or doesn't - your
> decision. Take a look at
>   Dave Pawson's "An introduction to XSL Formatting
> Objects"[1], first chapters
> may give you a perspective.
> > My next approach will be to produce pcl output and then
> make a script
> > that removes the headers/footers that are not needed (ie.
> the header on
> > first page and the footer on the last page). Seems like big
> trouble for
> > solving something that I had hoped was trivial doing directly in FO.
> > What I really needed would be something like
> table-ONLY-footer-at-break
> > and table-ONLY-header-at-break,

Why do you need this? Never seen this on an invoice.

If you just want BBF and/or "continued overleaf ..." markers are probably
what you are after. If you're trying to show different header/footers, again
markers may also work.

> > but I know that this kind
> of request is
> > beyond the scope of this mailing list.
> You right, this list is about FOP - one particular xsl-fo
> processor. You'd
> better ask on a list devoted to xsl-fo itself, e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or xsl-list. Actually a solution to your problem
> may exist, but
> I'm not aware of it and unfortunately I have no time to look
> for it, sorry.
> [1] http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/sect3/bk/index.html


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