I've got bookmarks working, but there are a couple of lingering, annoying issues I've discovered...

Is there a way to bookmark the top of a page (above or at the top of fo:region-before)? In particular, I'd like my first bookmark to go to the top of the first page. I tried assigning a block id to the first element in my fo:region-before, but (as I expected) it complained when there were multiple instances. I also tried putting fo:block inside fo:page-sequence-master..> but it completely ignored it (I actually expected it to generate an error). As it is, I place it at the top of the region-body, but clicking it does not bring you to the top of the page.

Also, the first Bookmark ("Explanation of Review" in my 1st example below) does not appear to be an actual bookmark. It is merely a 'container' for the items inside. It highlights in Acrobat--my preferences for Acrobat indicate it should highlight where I am dynamically when viewing. However, clicking it brings up the first item it contains. In the case below, clicking "Explanation of Review" brings you to the ICD9 Section:

<fox:outline internal-destination="EOR">
  <fox:label>Explanation of Review</fox:label>
  <fox:outline internal-destination="ICD9">
    <fox:label>ICD-9 Section</fox:label>
  <fox:outline internal-destination="Details">
    <fox:label>Details Section</fox:label>
    <fox:outline internal-destination="Totals">
      <fox:label>Totals Section</fox:label>

NOTE: <fo:block id="EOR"> is at the top of the fo:region-body, so it may be behaving as it should. However, clicking it again once something else has been clicked has no effect.

Also, is there a way to make all bookmarks default to "expanded" I've tried the following, which, although not "expanded" gives better results (although "Totals Section" is still hidden):

<fox:outline internal-destination="EOR">
  <fox:label>Explanation of Review</fox:label>
<fox:outline internal-destination="ICD9">
  <fox:label>ICD-9 Section</fox:label>
<fox:outline internal-destination="Details">
  <fox:label>Details Section</fox:label>
  <fox:outline internal-destination="Totals">
    <fox:label>Totals Section</fox:label>

Other notes (may be PDF-related or fox: related):

I've created a bookmark which contains a "Details" section that spans several pages. Unfortunately, clicking the "Details Section" bookmark brings me to the top of the *last* page of the Details section (actually it brings me to the top of the fo:region-before for the last page of Details). I would've assumed this is because Details is something of a container for "Totals" which is the first item in the container. However, that's not the case. I've changed it so "Totals Section" is not indented under Details Section, and it doesn't help (it still brings me to the top of the region-before of the last "page" of Details):

<fox:outline internal-destination="EOR">
  <fox:label>Explanation of Review</fox:label>
<fox:outline internal-destination="ICD9">
  <fox:label>ICD-9 Section</fox:label>
<fox:outline internal-destination="Details">
  <fox:label>Details Section</fox:label>
<fox:outline internal-destination="Totals">
  <fox:label>Totals Section</fox:label>

My solution: insert the following above where the DETAILS template is called:
<fo:block padding="0pt">
<fo:block id="EOR" padding="0pt" margin="0pt" font-size="0pt">&#160;</fo:block>
<xsl:apply-templates select="DETAILS"/>

(previously I'd placed the id="EOR" call inside the containing <fo:block padding="0pt"> as below)

  <fo:block id="EOR" padding="0pt">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="DETAILS"/>

NOTE: I only need to insert an "empty" fo:block when I know it won't fit on a page. It appears that the bookmark will take you to the *top of the last page of that section*. At least that's how it works for me.
Web Developer - Medata, Inc. - http://www.medata.com
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