Hi All,

I'm a newbie in using Apache FOP.  I've read that there's a redesign in progress and that the idea is to publish the first release during the second half of this year.

The point is i'm in charge of a bussiness process based in Apache FOP 0.20.5. During this year I need to implement some more transformation funcionalities proposed in the standard XSLT-FO but that are not covered by FOP 0.20.5. I doubdt between implementing them over FOP 0.20.5 or wait for FOP 1.0DR1.

Do you know (or have some kind of document) which points of the W3C XSLT-FO standard will be covered in 1.0DR1 release? Does somekind of Roadmap exists?

I think i could help developing the points i need for my project and releasing them to Apache FOP 1.0.


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