I'm still not sure I understand you correctly, but then I think you need
to look at fo:conditional-page-master-reference which allows you to
specify separate simple-page-masters for odd and even pages.


On 22.08.2005 15:34:24 Prakash R wrote:
> I meant putting the two pages on two different pages
> but making sure they are side by side like when you
> open the book you can see the pages side by side(i.e.
> on the same spread).
> Thank you.
> Prakash
> --- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you talking about imposition (two-up)? Putting
> > two pages besides
> > each other on one piece of paper? FOP can't do that,
> > yet. You'd have to
> > use a third-party tool to do that.
> > 
> > On 20.08.2005 06:44:20 Prakash R wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I'm preparing a FO document in order to generate a
> > > catalog book. I would like to have two pages
> > together
> > > such that they are on the same spread i.e. if the
> > > first page is an even page(left) then the next
> > would
> > > be the following odd pages(right) making it on the
> > > same spread. On the other hand if the first page
> > falls
> > > on an odd page(right), I would like to force a
> > blank
> > > page and start it as an even page(left) so that
> > the
> > > second page is an odd page(right) making it on the
> > > same spread.
> > > 
> > > How can I achieve this? Any ideas would be greatly
> > > appreciated.

Jeremias Maerki

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