Anyway the browser does not display PDF correctly if it is compressed.


Sonja Löhr wrote:

Thanks to you all!

If the improvement is so small I will unplug the filter. Although the
browsers do support compression (the filter is checking this), the
outcome seems to be somewhat unpredictable, and I don't know anything
about the client side in production, of course.

Am Montag, den 19.09.2005, 21:48 +0200 schrieb J.Pietschmann:
Sonja Löhr wrote:
With IE (that is, acrobat inside) I get sometimes the pdf and sometimes a
blank page, after reloading the message about a "damaged file". Firefox
(always) complains that the file "doesn't begin with %PDF-" (ok, indeed both
speak German ;-)
The browser explicitly asks if it will accept a compressed
response. The server is *not* allowed to use compression (at the
HTTP level) if the browser doesn't ask for it. Check your browser
configuration. In Firefox, you might try the HTTP live headers
extension for sniffing the actual values.

Also, most of the PDF parts are already compressed (and re-encoded
as ASCII85). A secondary compression will probably gain something
between 15% and 20% for typical PDF files. Significant improvements
are only to be expected in case of large embedded BMP images and in
some cases if there are large embedded fonts.


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