
yes, you can run java from CD. Like Glen said, you must copy the JRE directory from your java install dir to the CD and if you want to run fop you must call the java.exe direct (relative from your script).


Glen Mazza wrote:
Paul Tremblay wrote:

I am trying to run fop from a CD (or other removable device). I am at
a different place every day and at a different computer. At some of
the places java is installed, so I can run fop no problem.

I'm assuming you're running fop by calling "fop.bat".

However, at other places there is no java runtime. So is it possible
to to install the java runtime on a removable device such as a CD? I want to do with java what I do with python, put the executables on a
removable device and then sat the path to these executables.

I *think* so, although I haven't tried it. I would install (expand) the J2SDK (or JRE) on your computer's hard drive, then move the entire expanded directory to the CD that will have FOP on it.

Next, modify FOP's fop.bat (located in FOP's root directory); the line at the bottom that says "java -CP %LOCALCLASSPATH%..."; switch it to "..\jd2sdk\jre\bin\java -CP..." or whereever the java.exe will be on the CD. Make sure you use a relative path ("..\..", etc.) instead of hardcoding the drive letter because that will probably change from machine to machine.


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