If I configure my Eclipse launch config to start a separate JRE for the build, 
it works ;-)
Unfortunately some other tasks require me to start the build in the same JRE as 
Eclipse runs in.
It would be a hazzle to always trigger two separate builds.

The question has to be changed:
Has anyone experience how to start Fop in an Eclipse environment (same VM)?


Jeremias Maerki schrieb:
I'm inclined to say so, yes. However, my biggest problem is that I
cannot even reproduce the problem. I've tried using the attached Ant
script with Ant 1.6.5 under JDK 1.5 with FOP 0.20.5 and FOP Trunk. Both
targets "doit" and your (slightly modified) "generate" work fine here
from the command line. To run it, put the attached Ant script in the
root directory of the FOP distribution and call "ant -f test-ant.xml".

On 15.02.2006 11:47:36 Eike Stepper wrote:
Jeremias Maerki schrieb:
Actually, I wanted the FOP version, too. After searching through the
various FOP versions with the line number from the stack trace I found
that you're talking about 0.20.5.
Sorry, you're right this is Fop 0.20.5, although the same thing happens with 

You're using the "fop" task inside a "macrodef". I believe the NPE
happens due to the Project instance not being set on the task which the
Task.log() method needs. Maybe that's because the "fop" task is inside a
"macrodef", but I can't tell for sure. Better ask the Ant guys what's
wrong here, because I don't know. Ant is supposed to call setProject()
as far as I know.
I tried it without the macrodef indirection, the same effect resulted.
Do you still think, it's an Ant issue?


On 15.02.2006 10:55:15 Eike Stepper wrote:
I use JDK1.5.0_06 and this is the trace (the switches are very useful!):

Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005
Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005
--- Nested Exception ---
        at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.log(Task.java:346)
        at org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.FOPTaskStarter.run(Fop.java:354)
        at org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.Fop.execute(Fop.java:256)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
        at org.apache.tools.ant.TaskAdapter.execute(TaskAdapter.java:123)

Jeremias Maerki


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