Now that I have fixed the problem with my classpath, I am tryign to run some examples that worked on the older fop-0.20.5 but don't seem to succeed when using the new version.
Specifically, I have an example tha comes with StyluStudio thate creates a catalog with text pictures. Using the new fop, I get this error:

(Location of error unknown) Border and padding for region "xsl-region-before" must be '0' (See 6.4.13 in XSL 1.0).

I believe the specific area in the style sheet that the error is referring to is this:

<!-- Define the contents of the header. -->

<fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">

<fo:block font-size="8.0pt" font-family="serif" padding-after="2.0pt"

space-before="4.0pt" text-align="center"

border-bottom-style="solid" border-bottom-width="1.0pt">

<xsl:text>Stylus Studio Multimedia Catalog of Video and Computer Books</xsl:text>



Any help or advice would be appreciated. I have tried to make some changes to the attributes, but I haven't been successful.

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