Jeremias Maerki <dev <at>> writes: 
> Looks like you have a good share of bad luck with FOP.

No problem, fortunately you're all really helpful on this list!

>  You've
> stumbled upon a bug in TTFReader we recently fixed. Please use the
> TTFReader coming with FOP 0.92beta to create the font metric files. The
> generated files should also work with FOP 0.20.5.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/fop-0.92beta# java -cp
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf FreeSerif_ttf.xml
TTF Reader for Apache FOP 0.92beta

Parsing font...
Reading /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 5295
3 cmap tables
CMAP format: 4
Creating xml font file...
Creating CID encoded metrics...
Writing xml font file FreeSerif_ttf.xml...
This font contains no embedding license restrictions.

XML font metrics file successfullly created.


(by the way, there's a typo there in "successfullly")

Now to see if I can get that xml file working with fop 0.20-5!!

Thanks again,


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