You're right: RTF is probably not the most important part of FOP for
everyone, but for some people it is. Everyone has a chance to help
improve the parts he/she is most interested in. That's the cool thing
about open source.

I'm a little confused about your post. Let's look at the details:

page-number-citation and page numbering: Both work to at least a certain
degree. Can you elaborate on the problems you're seeing?

What's exactly the problem with graphics? We've got pretty good support
for many cases, even SVG now.

GIF: The LZW patents are expired but still it's a good idea to forget
GIF. The legal side is still less than clear.

RTF does support referenced images.

Over all, your post seems to address topics which, as far as I know, are
mostly solved, so I'm not really sure what you're after. Maybe if you'd
show the problems you're trying to address with examples....

Anyway, we're looking forward to any patches against FOP SVN Trunk you
might have. At any rate, you'd have problems committing anything to the
repository without write access. That privilege will need to be earned
first. ;-)

On 22.05.2006 16:56:11 b.ohnsorg wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was quite busy with other tasks and followed the mailing list only if
> there were RTF-questions. I'm still working on that RTF-thingy, to get
> it working again (local *g*) and there'll be some major changes and
> serious limitations. Page numbering, linking and tables for layout won't
> work for fancy formatting. I assume, that RTF is not the most important
> part of FOP and only for post processing with Micros~1-tools.
> If there are other opinions, let me know, before planning major changes.
> Basically RTF is a bastard between outlining and streaming format,
> that's why some neet features cannot be done (page-number-citation,
> pages are rendered in the viewer, not in the document) and I'll remove
> that code (additional warning-option can be switched on). Nested tables
> (and graphics) are definitely hard work. All graphics will be embedded
> bitmaps (it should be possible to convert GIFs, any copyright issues? I
> won't write GIF images but convert them like PNG-files) and maybe
> there's an refer-option, I'll have to find out, if RTF supports
> referenced images (another additional parameter).
> Nested tables will be a quite dirty hack. RTF does not support nested
> tables and there must be a transformation from nested tables to a table
> with additional columns. Another interesting fact is RTF's limitation to
> fixed widths, no proportional widths are allowed. Here I'll have to
> insert some code (maybe some remember the nested PercentageContexts)
> which basically does the same as PDF's LayoutManager (talked about more
> abstract PercentageContext being able to have a parent to be able to
> calculate remaing width, indenting and margins up to this context). I
> also found some comments like «maybe configurable?» with some
> Office-version-dependant corrections. I'll add some more configuration
> parameters for RTF rendering.
> I dunno when this will be finished and in status «testing», but end of
> June is quite realistic. So there's no necessity to branch anything (and
> merge again). And I won't commit it to the repository but forward it as
> tar.gz to others who want to test it (kinda review).

Jeremias Maerki

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