If there is a package that belongs to more than one top-level
directory, where should it go? For example katello and katello-client?

I like flat structure, although it's bummer sometimes to hit the right
dir, using auto completion can help you.

But I can live with the change, not a blocker for me.

On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 1:48 AM, Eric D Helms <ericdhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> As a lead-in to being working towards migrating Katello's packages to the
> foreman-packaging repository, I'd like to propose a slight re-organization
> of the repository. As well, to seek any other ideas or problems any might
> see with the proposal.
> Currently, the packaging repository is a flat structure with all packages
> being represented by a directory containing sources and a spec file. When
> looking at it, I find it hard to think about them in an organized manner
> given we separate by repository into foreman and foreman-plugins (and
> eventually katello repositories). Thus, my proposal is to let the packaging
> repository reflect the repository organization by moving things into the
> following directories:
> foreman-packaging
>    - foreman
>    - plugins
>    - katello
>    - katello-client
> Thoughts?
> --
> Eric D. Helms
> Red Hat Engineering
> --
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  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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