On 8/9/2016 7:25 AM, Gour, aka fossil-dev@mailinglists.sqlite.org wrote:
Btw, I'm following this group via Gmane and your and mine posts have
'fossil-dev-dfjfwefkeffggnrfgner-gmane-scrambled-text' as 'From' field?

Given the "interesting" spam that arrived in my inbox yesterday, my guess is that the list has been reminded that bad people are harvesting email addresses and sending mail directly to subscribers.

The version of mailman used to host this list doesn't provide a good answer to how to slow down such harvesting, other than the hugely annoying current setting where all hints of the original sender's identity is scraped off the mail headers.

Part of the answer is to upgrade the version of mailman used for the list. The current release has some additional options for how to rewrite the sender's identity that could be less annoying.

Ross Berteig                               r...@cheshireeng.com
Cheshire Engineering Corp.           http://www.CheshireEng.com/
+1 626 303 1602
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