On Sun, 2009-11-29 at 08:51 -0800, Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene wrote:
> There is a divide on which markdown to use.

That's just it: there isn't! There are people who say we don't need a
markdown-esque formatting (or the minimal one already in fossil is
enough), and there are people who want a more complete formatting option
*And have steadfastly declined to argue over which one*. A couple of us
have said we *prefer* markdown but will happily take any of the existing
more complete systems over the existing almost-non-system.

I recognize that the improvement I and others are asking for may be
non-trivial to implement, so while I think markdown (the particular
format, not the general class of) is an obvious choice because it allows
those who prefer plain HTML to just keep writing HTML without change, if
something else is easier to integrate or otherwise preferable I'll
happily embrace it.

Joshua Paine  
LetterBlock: Web applications built with joy  

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