On Tue, 04 May 2010 10:39:22 -0400
>>>>>> "Joshua" == "Joshua Paine"wrote:

Joshua> If it's safe for your use case to turn on 'allow all html
Joshua> tags' (it's not safe if you let the general public create or
Joshua> edit tickets or wiki pages), then it's possible to implement
Joshua> Markdown for fossil wiki all on the client side (i.e., a script
Joshua> included in the header). 

Well, considering that for now I'd allow only team-members to create
tickets, it would be safe.

Still, I wonder, what would happen in regards to spam if we would
allow creating tickets by the public...

Joshua> I've implemented (and subsequently
Joshua> misplaced) a proof of concept and worked it all out in my head,
Joshua> including the awkward bits about the different kinds of system
Joshua> links, but so far I haven't made time to properly implement it
Joshua> (and the next 3 weeks, at least, are almost certainly out of
Joshua> the question).

It is not such a rush. I'm still investigating about the toolchain.

Joshua> DRH did not comment on the original thread, which I took to
Joshua> mean "no" as far as implementing markdown in core. My plan is
Joshua> to get the client-side version all working, convenient, and
Joshua> beautiful, and hope for an outpouring of support/requests to
Joshua> have it in core. ;-)

Sure, if there is any chance to bring it in the core, I'll fill some
support ticket(s). :-)

Otherwise, we'll stay with darcs and maybe deploy Gitit
(http://gitit.johnmacfarlane.net/) - wiki written in Haskell which
uses darcs & Pandoc, i.e. one can use it with Markdown.



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