On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 16:21 -0500, Daniel Clark wrote:
> I'm missing why you wouldn't want to just implement this as code (in C
> or Javascript) that can translate from fossil wiki markup to markdown
> markup (or whatever) and back.

Doing it in C, if it's not integrated into fossil core, means to use my
repo correctly, you need my custom version of fossil. Bleh.

For wiki and bug reports, this could in principle be done with
JavaScript. But it's not optimal, b/c the fossil wiki syntax is just
plain weak, and as solutions to "there are too many options for X" go,
"I'll make yet another that is less functional than any of them!" is one
of the worst, IMO. So any code to translate to/from fossil wiki will not
be useful elsewhere, hence less likely to get written.

And for .wiki files in the source tree, only the built-in formatting is

But there is a fair amount of "Programming is hard--let's go shopping
[for someone to solve my problem for me!]" here, not least on my part.
In defense of me, my original request was simply to acknowledge the
problem and be open to fixes if DRH (or anyone else who contributes
and/or has any experience writing C--I really don't know how this
project is structured) doesn't have interest and/or time to fix it.

I have little C-fu, DRH doesn't seem interested anyway, so my plan
henceforth is to shut up about it until I have a working JavaScript
solution or can contribute to someone else's effort.

(And I'll add one more time that while I think this aspect of fossil is
wrong and even wrong-headed, I otherwise love fossil, love SQLite, and
admire DRH.)

Joshua Paine  
LetterBlock: Web applications built with joy  

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