
Am 19.10.2011 um 03:10 schrieb Christopher Berardi:
> I think it would be a great idea to have some kind of repository where fossil
> users could share things like color schemes (or possibly extensions some day).
> Something along the lines of gnome-look.org. 

Wouldn't it be sufficient to run one Fossil instance for this purpose?
Like in "eat your own dogfood"?

> Rolf: The theme reminds me of one of the builtin gvim themes (desert?).

I butchered the "Khaki, No Logo." skin that comes with Fossil.

> Visually, I like high contrast between background and text -- yellow, white,
> or green on black, white on blue, etci -- so the peach on grey is a little too
> subtle for my eyes to be comfortable with. But, I know some people who like
> that subtlety.

>From the zenburn readme:
"Zenburn is a low-contrast color scheme for Vim. It’s easy for your eyes and
designed to keep you in the zone for long programming sessions."

Of course "keep you in the zone" does not make a lot of sense for a website. I 
simply like the colorset.
If we had the skins/themes in a public repository, anyone could fork and 
contribute a high contrast version.

> Thanks for sharing.

Thank you all for providing Fossil in the first place!



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