On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org> wrote:

> My solution has been to push things out to the build system. What gets
> stored in the repo is config.template. In this, the "values" for

Another option might, depending on the system, be to "include" a local
config file/make file/whatever. e.g. in Make it might look like:

-include Makefile.$(USER)

the "-" before include means "don't fail if the file does not exist," and
most devs have the same $(USER) on their dev machine(s).  (And if they
don't, a symlink can work as a crutch to link multiple names to one
makefile.) For small teams, Makefile.$(USER) might even be checked in.

The Ant build system allows one to include custom property files, so you
could add local.config to your imports and you're all set. Developers which
don't need it simply need to create a 0-byte copy locally.

----- stephan beal
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