2014/1/4 Srikumar K. S. <srikuma...@gmail.com>:
> I'd like to propose something that (afaik) has not been
> proposed --
> Expose fossil server activity in the form of hook URLs
> to which information about the activity is sent by POST
> with the body in JSON format. With this setup, it would
> be possible to code up a hook client in, say, node.js
> which can respond appropriately.

Yes, something like this has been proposed, and is
currently implemented in trunk. It takes the form
of a new commit TH1 hook( Admin -> Xfer), which
can do http requests. The only information available
in the hook GET/POST is the uuid, from that the
server can derive anything else it needs to
know by accessing the fossil repository.

Other people already used this successfully, so
feel free to try it and post your feedback here.


       Jan Nijtmans
fossil-users mailing list

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