On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Srikumar K. S. <srikuma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This has come up a few times in the past iirc, but I'm not
> sure whether there is any resolution on whether fossil will
> ever accept to support this and if so in what form it might
> take.

The difficulty here is that the server does not know when it has received a
push of a check-in.

A single check-in consists of one or more "artifacts".  There is always at
least a manifest artifact.  And there are usually additional artifacts
containing the text of files that have changed.

The repository is just a bag of artifacts.  Some artifacts are unique to a
particular check-in.  Some artifacts are shared between multiple
check-ins.  Other artifacts contain wiki pages or changes to trouble
tickets, etc.

When a "sync" or "push" or "pull" occurs, the two endpoints merely exchange
artifacts.  The sync operation does not know what those artifacts represent
however.  So the sync logic does not know if it has received a wiki page
change, or a complete check-in, or 5 different check-ins, or just part of a
single check-in.  The sync logic just knows that it got a few artifacts.

Because the sync logic does not know the meaning of the artifacts it has
received, it has no way of triggering some action when a check-in is

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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