On 5/27/2014 17:10, Joe Prostko wrote:
On May 27, 2014 6:58 PM, "Warren Young" <war...@etr-usa.com
<mailto:war...@etr-usa.com>> wrote:

 > Incidentally, I'm bothering with nginx proxying because the SCGI
method seems to have broken in 1.28.  It was working fine on my site
with 1.27 from the Ubuntu repository until I upgraded to 1.28 by
building from source.  (I wanted the /tree feature.)

This should work in trunk or when 1.29 comes out, as Richard fixed it
post 1.28.

Confirmed.  I'm back on SCGI now.  Thanks!

(And yes, /code/doc/trunk/test%2b%2b.txt pulls my test file now, even with nginx in the way.)

I'm still willing to help debug the nginx HTTP proxy case, though.

While on the topic, the SCGI discussion on this page:


would be better with two changes:

1. You don't need to do regex matching on the URL here. This does the same thing more efficiently and more clearly:

    location /demo_project/ {

nginx does prefix matching by default. Using regex matching (~) just to pin the match to the start of the path with ^ adds nothing.

(Ref: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#location)

2. In addition to adding --scgi, the page should also recommend that you add --localhost. If you're going to proxy "fossil server" via nginx+SCGI, you probably don't want to have a public listener that lets someone bypass nginx.
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