On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 02:19:09PM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Richard Hipp on Tue, 27 May 2014 15:46:30 -0400:

Hi there,

> Perhaps this should really be something like the following?
> <th1>
>   html "<base href='$baseurl/[httpize $current_page]' />"
> </th1>
> This results in the following output:
> $ printf 'GET /doc/tip/file%%2b%%2b.wiki HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: 
> localhost:8080\r\n\r\n' | nc localhost 8080 | grep base
> <base href='http://localhost:8080/doc%2Ftip%2Ffile%2B%2B.wiki' />

The "slash to %2F" encoding there is wrong, unfortunately.

If file.wiki is served as html and includes a relative link -- such
as in "img src=a.png", then that base href should have the browser
requesting http://localhost:8080/a.png instead of the (probably intended)

HTML can be fiddly, even if you pretend that all browsers handle things
correctly :-(

Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org
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