On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> On May 12, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Matt Welland <mattrwell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Does your team use Unix file permissions to prevent people from viewing
> files they have no right to be looking at?
> Are you suggesting that Fossil needs to implement a per-artifact ACL
> system?
> Yes, I realize this is a slippery-slope argument, but that doesn’t mean
> it’s wrong.

No, I'm not suggesting anything. Merely pointing out that there are many
legitimate cases were access control is needed and that to suggest they are
just a "people problem" shows poor understanding of the messy real world.

> > In my experience there are many times where a few judiciously applied
> controls make *everyone* happier.
> Sure, good fences make good neighbors.
> The question is whether you should use the existing fences provided (i.e.
> repo boundaries) or if we need to be subdividing the existing plots of land
> with still more fences.
> Fence off the tree, so the cat doesn’t pee on it.
> Fence off the barbecue, so little Bobby doesn’t fiddle with the propane
> tank knob.
> Fence off the patio so no one can see what we’re doing on the patio.
> Fence off the door so baby June can’t walk through it.
> Pretty soon you find yourself opening and closing doors every 5 feet.
> > The free-for-all model can result in a cognitive burden if I have to
> expend mental energy worrying that I'm committing to the wrong branch.
> Do you find yourself cognitively burdened by a constant effort to remember
> not to touch the stove while cooking?
> You learned that lesson when you were about 3 years old, just tall enough
> to reach up to the stove, whereupon your mom smacked your hand away.  You
> learned.  Now you don’t do that any more.
> If you disallow mistakes, you disallow learning and prevent the
> acquisition of competence.

Perhaps you missed the "judiciously applied" part of my comment.

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