No the use case is not for development, just a simple use case of version 
control without command line access.

I agree, in real development situations everyone should have a cloned repo and 
work locally.  Different use case.

But the web GUI control over the checkout would still have usefulness even in a 
machine where someone has complete command line access, such as their local 
machine.   If I roll something out it will have the ability, for example, to 
keep track of a current feature ticket and automatically add it with a commit.  
Being able to easily view a diff of what is about to be committed is very 
useful, etc... all can be made a bit more intuitive and even provide and 
overview such as always showing all currently changed files or a tree view that 
shows all files from the repo and unadded files colored differently, changed 
files also differently, etc.  doing it in the web just also makes it useful on 
a headless box is all, regardless of whether you have shell access

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 29, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Andy Goth <> wrote:
>> On 9/29/2017 4:43 PM, Steve Schow wrote:
>>> On Sep 29, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Andy Goth <> wrote:
>> Hey thats pretty cool, I was not even aware of that site!  I am going
>> to check that out, I guess that’s a decent way to keep a repo public,
>> then I can clone it here locally for working on stuff.
> Spread the word!
>> But that webui just looks pretty much like the same one built into the
>> fossil binary, yes?
> When you're viewing any particular repository, yes.  Chisel provides
> everything else surrounding the repositories.
>> Who is hosting that and what is the longevity compared to github and
>> others?
> Roy Keene can answer these questions.
>> Primary interest right now is in using a headless machine that will be
>> hosting a repo.  And often users will not have command line access
>> either.  In the simplest case, I could set it up, with web ui access
>> to the repo itself, but then always require them to clone the repo on
>> another machine and do all their edits there and push their changes
>> back to remote master repo.
> That is the basic arrangement Fossil was designed for.
>> But it turns out there is also a use case for them being able to add
>> files and commits to the repo directly on the headless linux box
>> without having to clone the repo to another client machine.
> I supposed one could call this a hosted development environment.  Though
> let me add to what I said earlier (needing an editor, etc.) to point out
> that development is meaningless without testing.  Unless the product
> being developed is documentation and testing is accomplished by reading
> the document as formatted by a browser, your users are going to want to
> be able to compile and run whatever they are making.  Will your web
> platform provide that too?  It's not totally out of the question, and
> I've seen submit-your-code-and-we'll-run-it stuff before.  I'm just
> saying that there's a lot to consider before you reach the point that
> what you've put together is actually useful.
>> I hear what you’re saying about no way to edit without command line,
>> but actually it would be perfectly fine to have the check out dir tree
>> accessible via SMB share..  Then they can edit the files over SMB.
>> But without command line access there is no way for them to commit the
>> changes into fossil.  That’s where a Web UI for some of those commands
>> would be useful.
> I would strongly advise against SMB over the public Internet.  VPN may
> work, also you can use SMB within the firewalls of your organization.
> Basically you're sidestepping the requirement to provide a web interface
> to file management and editing, which is fine.  Just, like I said above,
> remember that not only do you have to have file management/editing and
> access to Fossil commands, but you also need to be able to build and
> test whatever is being developed.  The requirements snowball the more
> you think about them.
>> But this could also be useful even when running fossil alone on a
>> local desktop machine.  Kind of like when you run “fossil ui” and up
>> pops a web interface to the fossil repo on the local machine.  Still
>> edit the files with vi, etc, but the fossil UI basically accesses the
>> DB right now…it doesn’t touch any checked out dir trees or provide any
>> way to use the UI to do stuff on them….
> Okay, now we're agreeing on something.  The web interface has limited
> cognizance of the checkout in which it is being run.  It can highlight
> whichever check-in is currently checked out, and (quite important to me
> right now) /doc can serve the "ckout" version for instant feedback on my
> markup, etc.  More checkout-sensitive capability would be nice.  The
> examples I gave before are diffing the checkout and managing the stash.
> Yet, diffing is a strictly read-only operation, and managing the stash
> is likely either read-only or doesn't affect the checkout files.
> Providing web-driven manipulation of the checkout is a big step, one I'm
> not opposed to, but one I don't think we've ever considered.
>> which is what I wish it could..then it could be a fairly platform
>> independent checkout GUI….including over to headless linux boxes that
>> might have a check out there also.
> Headless Linux boxes have never been a problem for most folks because of
> SSH, X11, VNC, etc.
> Platform-independent GUIs however, that is an attractive concept.  It's
> one we already enjoy in many respects, so why not more, huh?
>> Ultimately I guess I will have to roll out my own, as I don’t think
>> anything exists and I doubt there is much interest.
> Is there a reason why your developers can't clone their own repositories
> onto their own machines and do their work there in the environment
> that's most comfortable for them?
> If you need a shared server because everyone runs Windows at their desk
> yet development must be done in Linux for various reasons, please
> consider giving shell access to your developers.
> A note: even if everyone is working on the same machine, it's probably
> best that they all clone their own repositories anyway.  Otherwise they
> will have to take turns accessing the shared repository file because of
> coarse-grained locking.  For example, I've noticed two opens can't run
> simultaneously.
>> I have a use case in the short term for something very simple that can
>> at least just commit file changes to the repo through a webui.
>> Basically need to be able to point the web ui at a .fslckout db and
>> then enable the user to call commit, update, branch and a few other
>> simple things.
> You're providing a limited web interface to preselected shell commands.
>> Having a file tree view of the actual dir tree would be useful too.
> But isn't this already going to be made available through SMB?  Also
> you're going to expose many Fossil commands, why not "fossil ls" too?
> The "fossil changes" command has options to list all files, not just the
> changed ones, along with their change status.
>> Actually editing the files through the web, as you suggest, I don’t
>> think would be that interesting to most people, but never know.
> That's a major project outside the realm of Fossil.
>> I’d personally love to see an editor that could display a diff in
>> realtime as I edit the file, so that as I edit the file I can see
>> highlighting to show what I have changed compared to what is the repo,
>> for example.
> I'd rather have the diff update only when I ask it to, but that's just
> me.  Realtime diff updating is distracting and inaccurate.
> -- 
> Andy Goth | <andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com>
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