I like it, though the timing is pretty fast, and some slides are truncated.

On 9 July 2018 at 12:06, mario <ma...@include-once.org> wrote:

> As followup to last month` Show time.. discussion:
> → http://fossilslideshow.tmp.include-once.org/
> (Take in mind this ain't a mockup yet; just as example.)
> Why oh why?
> ===========
> Our current homepage is a bit wall of textish / too bland
> I'd think. While it already gets all interesting features
> across, it's not likely enticing to new users.
> And such a slideshow (colors do draw eyes) would more easily
> showcase the advantages of Fossil.
> Pros & Cons
> ===========
> Apart from really matching it up with the default theme,
> all the usual drawbacks of a homepage slideshow apply:
> · It's somewhat of a generic fad (every other pet project
>   homepage has one these days)
> · Makes it harder to follow each point (slide timing…)
> · Needs more trimming down of slides + repeating some links
>   in the doc section.
> · Images might be quite large (→ static files).
> · "CGI" is already too abstract for a concrete pictogram.
> · I feel it's slightly betraying the documentation-nature
>   of the Fossil homepage.
> · And if implemented, people would want to have it with their
>   own Fossil setup (= must to be slim enough to be embedded
>   with one of the skins).
> On the other hand it's a cheap feature:
> · No jQuery necessary (there's even CSS-only slideshows)
> · Kept the HTML list with minor adaptions
> · Looks ok in w3m or dillo still.
> · I don't think we'd even need to hire a graphics people to
>   design something neat here.
> · Allows for less shy comparisons with Git/Hub/Lab.
> · With all the work and features that went into Fossil, it's
>   perfectly warranted to show off a bit.
> Discussion
> ==========
> Is this something the Fossil homepage should have?
> Any strong opinions or thoughts on image bloat?
> Who would want to partake / design one of the slideshow
> images? (archeology-themed for obvious reasons!)
> Cutting down on intro text / feature points.
> → How much is too much?
> → Or add *more* links even?
> Can we also expand the homepage documentation list into
> e.g. a three pane list (like the Apache manual):
> → users, → developers, → quick overview sections?
> Rephrasing
> ==========
> (This is going to become the lengthier discussion…)
> There's a few headlines and key points which could be
> adapted IMO (without overzealous hype/marketing).
> For instance "mature + robust". Or "unobtrusive" in comparison
> to Git.
> And "fully customizable" instead of just themeable (because
> we have TH1, and a JSON API, not just the skins).
> One thing I'd also like to see more prominently are links to
> Hydra, ChiselApp, or even fossilrepos.sourceforge.net perhaps.
> Technical minutae
> =================
> Back to the example //fossilslideshow.tmp.include-once.org/
> A few thoughts on simplifying:
> · The img tags could be slashed by using background-image
>   and no-repeat instead.
> · With transform and @keyframe, one could get rid of the
>   JavaScript entirely
> · Not sure if back/forward buttons make sense. But a :hover
>   stop of the slides would make sense at least.
> · If anyone is already using a simpler JS-snippet, please..
> · Not sure if embedding SVG makes sense.
> · I'd prefer the quick links floater to stay / not sure if the
>   logo needs to remain.
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