25.01.2013 11:47, Василий Кевролетин пишет:

May be you understood what I'm from university in wrong way. It does
*not* mean what I need to quickly do any changes anywhere. It means what
I have resources /(time, motivation, direct support of very good
programmer) /to improve good open project. Work will not have any good
value for me if results of work will not have any good value for other

That's good that you have resources and motivation. The question is where to apply them.

I understand why you don't want to support bad features. But I don't
understand why reasonable extension of existing feature (which will not
break compatibility and which exists in other languages) is bad ? :)

You need to look at another Michael mail where he claims that he was against for-in loop feature when it had going to be implemented. So no suprise that he is against extending it now.

Michael, please don't demotivate our potential compiler developers :)

Let's look how suggested feature makes compiler worse. Some answers I already know, some needs to be clarified:

1. Does it adds new (semi-)reserved words? No, index is already a semi-reserved word which is used for property declaration. So scanner will not be changed.

2. Does it influence other features than for-in loop? As I see, other parts of compiler will not be changed.

3. Will it add much code which is needs to be supported? I don't know but expect it will add not much. Vasiliy, can you put your patch somewhere to look at overall compiler change?

4. Jonas, can you tell about for-in loop for objective-pascal dialect? I know it implementation depends on some Objective-C classes. Do they support current index/key return? Do you against 'index' extension for ObjP dialect and in general?

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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