On 01/26/2013 12:27 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
You are new on the list, and so probably do not know this, but I hate wikis. Wikis are - by and large - a perfect example of what goes wrong in IT and in Open Source:
Lots of things get started. Few are actually finished.
Probably you think what mailing list is better ? In mailing list new user will not see even things that was started. I also dislike poorly maintained wiki and poorly maintained software and poorly maintained anything.

We do not need more language features.
Your point of view is clear and immutable. I guess main reason for you to include for-in loop in language was delphi.

But they are all practical things you need in everyday programming to solve programming tasks you will get when you work in an IT company. But these are probably not very interesting from an academic point of view...
Why not? A mechanism to translate Pascal to Javascript is should be interesting even from academic point of view. As for everyday programming in IT company then I have my own experience and will decide what is useful for me myself :)

You have good wishlist. May be it would be better to store it not in mailing list.

Vasiliy Kevroletin
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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