On 2017-03-16 20:52, nore...@z505.com wrote:
> Cool, is it like a quickbooks product?
> Written in fpgui or lazarus lcl?

No, not quite. It is called BS1 Accounts, written by a Canadian using
Delphi 7 I believe. Everything is written using only standard Delphi
components and reporting tools included with Delphi. NO 3rd party
components at all.

BS1 Accounts has been around for absolute ages, and does an amazing
amount of stuff. There are now multiple versions of the product, and the
one targeted for contractors (BS1 Professional Time Billing) are now
free (single user license). It uses multiple different database (SQL)
backends. The one I got is an embedded database (not sure what database
exactly - NexusDB or something I think).



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