At 11:49 am -0600 8/12/05, Peter Gold wrote:
>Hi, Steve:
>Thanks for the feedback. Do you think there was a problem with Classic's 
>ability to handle the length of the filename or pathname?

No, I don't think so, as the folder concerned was just called 'Graphics' ;-) I 
expected it to work, but it didn't. Surprise.

Ah, I see what you mean... the combined length of the pathname might have been 
too long. Er, ok - will run simple test now... no, it doesn't work even when 
the combined path lengths come nowhere near the 31 character limit. FrameMake 
doesn't want to follow an alias to a graphics folder that has the same name as 
the original. However, once you've told it to use the alias and chosen the 
'update document to use new path', all is well, and remains so.

I realise I'm not being as clear as I might here: what is happening is that 
FrameMaker, after using an actual folder to source graphics, cannot identify an 
alias to that folder as being the same thing until it's told to. After that, it 
uses the alias ok. Sorry if I confused anyone earlier.

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