
On 26/01/06, John Posada <jposada01 at> wrote:
> > ah, a misunderstanding: I intend to use these links
> > just as references for internal howto documents to be
> > shared with colleagues, not as an official documentation
> > that will be distributed to clients, if that's
> > your concern.
> Sorry, Jakob, there was no misunderstanding.


> Why? you may have every intention of not making them public, but once
> they are in documentation, anything can happen; somepone else
> recycles what you create not knowing the restrictions, you leave and
> someone takes over the stuff and doesn't know, it's just an issue I'd
> rather not be involved with.

So, in essence, it seems this has absolutely nothing to do with my
original request as to whether or not to add the mailing list to site
such as ?

If I'd simply asked for "easy access to previous posts via a simple
one-URL-per-post scheme instead of a long and not always successful
search in the mailing list archive", you  would have agreed, or
wouldn't you?

Of course, even now I can cut and paste, or print, or "save as", or
even screen capture your contributions to this mailing list, whether
you like it or not.  But this is not my intention. I just want to be
able to do this (an extract of a Howto document):

"Further information
"The main download site for these utilities is here:

"Adobe acknowledges this problem for FrameMaker 6 and provides a
patch, but not for 5.5.6. Patch is available here:

"See the Framers mailing list, search for the thread titled
"unavailable figures make Frame crash"."

The last phrase I'd like to replace by a URL to the original post of 
this thread. That's all.


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