On Fri, 19 May 2006 09:51:23 -0400, "Beck, Charles" 
<Charles.Beck at infor.com> wrote:

>The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether there was any
>imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word content can
>include hidden control characters that can interfere with the Find
>function. That was the case with our problem. 

Thanks for reporting this to the list!  I've always advised
people to import Word files as plain text only, to avoid
other problems I've seen (such as a char format named "Default
P Format" [sic] applied to all the text in every para ;-), but
this one is new to me.

>Saving as MIF and then reopening and saving as *.fm resolved 
>the problem. 

This can be burdensome if you have lots of files to do.  So
we added it as a feature of the Mif2Go plugin; it's in the
File menu as "Wash Via MIF".  You don't need to buy Mif2Go to
use it; just download the demo and install the plugin:
It works on entire books as well as single files, way faster
than you can do it by hand.  Enjoy!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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