You could/should be a bit more specific about what you mean
by Adobe "fixing up the RTF to FM filter." If you are finding
bugs, by all means officially report them!

You should be aware that many of the "RTF to anything else"
conversion issues do relate to inconsistencies between how
Microsoft itself produces and/or interprets RTF in various
versions and releases of Word. Even within a particular version
of Word, you can see discrepancies. Many of these have to do 
with character encodings, especially anything other than
base ASCII characters! This is especially true if you are
copying text from old Word documents from times prior to that
in which Unicode was supported.

        - Dov 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Diane Gaskill
> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 7:29 PM
> Hi all,
> Speaking of converters, I was wondering if Adobe might ever 
> consider fixing up the RTF to FM and FM to RTF filters that 
> come with Frame.  Especially the RTF to FM filter.  It would 
> be SO helpful to companies like mine who are about to convert 
> their docsets, including many large manuals (up to 800 pages, 
> believe it or not) from Word to FM.  It would have made the 
> job of convincing management a lot easier to switch to Frame 
> if we didn't have to pay an outside vendor to do this for us.
> Seems like it would be a profitable thing to do, considering 
> that more companies would be likely to by Frame if they had 
> an easy way to get there from Word.
> Diane

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