Huntley Eshenroder wrote: 

> Generating a good PDF from Visio is tricky. Dov provided the 
> magic recipe sometime back. It should be in the archives. If 
> my memory is correct (ha!), you need to do the following:

I recall some discussion of Visio's unreliable EPS output -- maybe
that's what you're thinking of. 

In any case, I have Acro Pro 7 and Visio 2003, and have never had any
issues. Acro installed its plugins/macros into Visio, just like it does
for Word and Excel. Once Distiller was set up right (correct custom page
size, .joboptions, etc.), I could produce perfect PDFs by clicking a

I have several multi-page Visio files (related flow charts) that I
output as PDFs. I then import them (by reference) page by page into FM.
The Visios PDFs are 6.5"x8.5", so they fit into my FM pages without
resizing. When I modify a flow chart in Visio, I just click the Create
PDF button and confirm overwriting the existing PDF. The FM files update

The process works just fine, with one minor disappointment: Hyperlinks
in the Visio drawings are "live" in the PDFs produced from Visio, but
they don't survive the import into FM. 

YMMV, of course. :-)


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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