Hi Jeremy,

Your points are valid, but I generally do this on a copy of the book before 
it is processed by WWP. The markers and modified cross-references are in the 
"throw-away documents" for the conversion process, not in the documents that 
are maintained going forward.


> Interesting, but I see a practical problem.  You'd need to set the
> xref markers for every element in the doc, to be sure of covering
> all the potential xref targets.  It's not enough to cover only those
> that are referenced within the doc, because then xrefs from other
> docs, in the same book or in other books, would still break.  Risky.
> Likewise, the change couldn't really be temporary, as you'd never
> know when a new xref might be made from another doc.  And for the
> same reason, the process would have to run every time you added a
> new element, or copied one (resulting in a new ID).
> That would add a great many xref markers, which in turn would make
> working with the rest of the markers more challenging.  You'd have
> to use Find almost all the time...
>>I agree that this is not an ideal situation, but it may be more reasonable
>>than changing your workflow.
> Not so sure about that.  Switching between WWP (or ePub) and
> Mif2Go doesn't really change workflow.  There's some initial
> setup, but thereafter it's essentially the same.  And Mif2Go's
> included automation tool, runfm, can simplify it further; the
> corresponding WWP tool, AutoMap, costs $20K, IIRC...  ;-)
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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