Thank you everyone for your help. I'll try that right now.


> Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 15:29:54 -0500
> From: peter at
> Subject: Re: Crossing out a table cell
> CC: framers at
> In a graphic frame, draw a diagonal line. If you want the labels to
> have paragraph formats, draw text frames with the text-frame Graphics
> tool above and below the line, type the labels, tag them with
> paragraph format tags, and rotate them to the angle you want (Alt+drag
> the selected text frames). If you only want character-formatted text,
> you can use the Text Line "A" Graphics tool. Adjust the graphic frame
> size and the position of its contained items. Copy and paste the
> graphic frame into the cell; it becomes an anchored frame. Position
> the anchored frame to At Insertion Point. Adjust the Basic properties
> of the paragraph that contains the anchored frame to zero space above
> and below, and the Table Cell properties to zero or negative cell
> margins all around as needed. Resize the cell width and height as
> needed.
> InDesign's diagonal cell lines are easy to specify as cell properties,
> but you still need to tweak the text manually.
> Regards,
> Peter
> __________________
> Peter Gold
> KnowHow ProServices
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