On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:00:38 -0700, "Tina Ricks" <kristina.ricks at 

>I'd like to export my Frame book (easily) to one giant Word file, and I
>haven't figured out how to do it other than one file at a time, then put
>them back together by hand in Word.

That's possible, but not a good idea.  Word has numerous problems
with large files, and a typical Frame book would produce a *very*
large Word file.

Nonetheless, if you still feel the need to do it, you can make up
a new Frame document and import by reference all of the files in
your book as insets.  You will lose any differences in master pages,
and your numbering will be continuous, so any use of <$chapnum>
will not work as expected.  But you can then convert the file to
a single Word file.

>I have many outside reviewers who need to review and add comments
>electronically, and like it or not, Word is the lingua franca of most of the
>world. My reviewers are fine that the pages look a little weird in the Frame
>RTF export.

If it's only "a little weird", you've done remarkably well!  ;-)

If you want the Word files to look almost exactly like the Frame
files, with features like sideheads and hyperlinks preserved,
have a look at Mif2Go.  There's a free, unlimited demo version at:

We're the developers of Mif2Go, so we may be biased <g>, but we
don't know of any other tool that gives such a close rendering
of Frame files in Word.  In addition, Mif2Go produces top-quality
HTML and XML (including DocBook and DITA), plus numerous Help
formats, from unstructured as well as structured Frame, and can
be fully automated.  It's also fast and inexpensive.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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