Opinions are like... noses. Everyone has one, but some are bigger than  

I respectfully disagree with SOME of the webworks bashing.

- It's true that Webworks has the worst support...on the planet. In  
fact, I wouldn't even call it support. Example, if you have trouble  
installing webworks, expect to pay for a support case to get help.  
What? Yes, you heard me correctly. And their installation instructions  
are lousy and obviously missing key information: specifically, no  
mention of the fact that your install will fail if you have multiple  
versions of frame on your machine, something I assume is pretty common  
with Frame users.

- the user guide is more like a functional specification than a user  
guide; it tells you about every function the program has, it just  
doesn't tell you how you might use them in the REAL world.

- They have a Draconian licensing structure. A real PIA.

- Webworks is a company I love to hate. If there were anything better  
and easier to use, I'd buy it in a minute.

Which leads to my disagreement. I don't think you can beat epublisher  
pro for ease-of-use. If you need to convert a frame doc AND you want  
to have a single source for content, and you have one day, epub will  
get you there quite nicely. There is no doubt that webworks software  
is a little quirky, but I've used it since 1998 and epub is a great  
improvement and VERY easy to use.

Example: I had a project with an engineering firm that wanted to  
convert a large suite of documents to html format, several thousand  
pages in all. Also, they wanted to be able to maintain this on their  
own once I got everything set up.

On the one hand, I could save them a LOT of money up front by buying  
Mif2go, and I downloaded it and spent several days reading and  
scratching my head. Sure, it would work.  But imagine it's 1986 and  
you are in a computer store looking at computers.

One the hand, you have DOS with it's blinking cursor waiting for  
instructions from you. If only you knew what those instructions were.

On the other hand, you have a Mac Plus, it's friendly face and graphic  
interface inviting you to experiment. Both computers will pretty much  
do what you want, the big difference being ease of use and cost. Macs  
were easier to use and cost a LOT more (I'm not trying to start a  
windows v mac battle here: I use both and think they are now pretty  
even on ease of use).

So, if you are a techie, the kind of person who likes UNIX command  
line, perl script, and is familiar with java scripts and code, you can  
probably get mif2go to do what you want, but it will take TIME and  
time = $.

If you are in a big hurry, or prefer a program that will give you  
great conversions, from scratch, in about 3 hours, epublisher is a  
better bet. Money = Saved Time.

For the engineering firm, I chose epublisher pro. If figured the days  
or weeks it would take us to figure out mif2go would offset the cost  
of webworks publisher.

I don't even consider Robo Help as it's not really a single source  
solution and I've ALWAYS hated the program's interface. I don't even  
like the name ;)

Pat Fortino

- Website Design
- Joomla Website Design
- Ecommerce Websites
- Technical Writing

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