To clarify this...  if you're opening a component file outside the book
environment, the file's settings are used, so if you want consistent
behavior, the file pagination settings need to match the book's.

The book pagination only applies if the book environment is present. So if
you're also treating the files as individual documents, you need to set them
up properly. In particular, since you have left and right pages, I'd guess
that you're using double-sided pagination... which would force any single
page document to grow an empty back page, just because there are ALWAYS an
even number of pages.

Art Campbell
         art.campbell at
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and a
redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers apply.
                                                              DoD 358

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Art Campbell <art.campbell at>wrote:

> "Next Available Page" isn't the only setting to check in the book.
> Make sure that you aren't requiring that chapters open on Right pages --
> that's the most common setting and it'll force the preceding chapter to add
> a page so the current chapter hits the Right page.
> Art Campbell
>            art.campbell at
>  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and
> a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
>                                                      No disclaimers apply.
>                                                               DoD 358
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Jakob Fix <jakob.fix at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've now spent hours scouring the list archive and reading dozens of
>> posts dealing with apparently the same problem as us, but none of the
>> workarounds and solutions work for us.  Please allow me to expose the
>> problem:
>> We have a book containing about 500 unstructured one-page documents
>> which contain one table each. For information, both the documents and
>> the book are generated by Miramo.  Opening the documents directly
>> (i.e. not via the book), we can ascertain that they really are
>> one-page documents.
>> However, on opening a file via the book (which also happens when
>> regenerating the book), a second page is added to the file. Although
>> this page could be removed manually (special > delete page) and would
>> not re-appear after another regeneration, given the sheer number of
>> files this is not an option.
>> These are our settings:
>> - next available page is applied to all document via the book-level
>> pagination command
>> - double-sided pagination
>> - all files use the standard left/right masterpages
>> - on save or print: delete empty pages
>> We're using FrameMaker 8.
>> Thanks,
>> Jakob.
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