Hi Listers,

Thanks to each one of you who responded to my query. 

Am using FM 7.0 and was using Acrobat distiller 5.0. All was working fine 
including the scripts that I use for various processes before the docs go into 
the build.

The requirement shifted to having editable pdfs so opted for Acrobat Pro 9.0.

Uninstalled distiller 5.0 and installed 9.0. For Manual conversion ?Save As? 
does not work as the tool is unable to locate the job options and the distiller 

On checking noticed that distiller 5.0 registry exists. I will remove all 
instances of 5.0 and re-install 9.0. Making ?Save As? work is important else I 
may have to modify the scripts that I am using as none are working with 9.0.

Once again thanks for the responses. Once the issue is resolved will share with 
the listers.

Meanwhile more suggestions/workarounds/solutions welcome.

Best Regards,

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