> You can still buy an upgrade to FrameMaker 11 on adobe.com. Maybe they'll 
> discontinue that in favor of TCS for the next release?

> I'm not sure I've had any reason to call support about FM10, so the lack of 
> support isn't an issue.

Hi, Robert.

I already have FrameMaker version 11. Actually, I was not looking for support 
per se ... I was just anticipating being ready with the Update Plan (at a lower 
cost than a single version update) in place to get version 12 when it comes out.

TCS is gross overkill for what I use FrameMaker for, so not likely to get 
approval for it - and I am not about to pay for that myself!

Anyway, as of yesterday, I am now exploring making all my work be hyperlinked 
Wiki documents instead - they are mostly large User Manuals, API documentation 
and stuff, so switching away from PDF from FrameMaker documents to a Wiki may 
work ... any recommendations along these lines? My current docs have some 
graphics, lots of text, with plenty of hyperlinks (generally internal 
cross-references). Essentially B/W, with some color use in headings, etc.

If I find something workable for creating Wiki versions of my documents 
relatively cleanly, and if Adobe cannot get their version upgrade pricing 
rational and correct (the cost of upgrading to 9, 10 and 11 was unacceptably 
high ... for a point tool), then version 11 is where I will permanently stop 
and never upgrade again.

And that will be a "too bad" moment. Having used FM since version 3 on a Sun 
3/50 ... it may just be time to move on. :(


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