On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 02:40:20PM +0100, Martin Aspeli wrote:
| Well, the way the PLIP145 bundle works, you get a warning message when
| you go to the edit tab, but with an option of stealing the lock. If
| there is no lock, when you go the edit tab, a lock is automatically
| obtained. Meaning, you need some "about to edit" event and base_edit
| needs to know there is a lock that may be stealable. However, some
| generic marker interfaces and events should make that possible without
| the exact locking implementation being tied to AT.

I still disagree with that. base_edit shouldn't have to know about
anything like that. If some sort of notification needs to be
available, it needs to be available globally and that means it should
be in plone.

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems                http://enfoldsystems.com
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