On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 15:18:08 -0800, Hanno Schlichting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Could you re-run your test suite, to give us some updated in-depth numbers?

Sure. Here goes, with the previous results quoted:

Anonymous, 10 page load of front page:

Template                                Total  Hits Per hit
document_view.pt                        3.4215  10  0.3422
plone_javascript_variables.js.pt        0.0433  10  0.0043
portlets/browser/templates/column.pt    1.5769  20  0.0788
portlets/portlets/classic.pt            1.0014  40  0.025
portlets/portlets/events.pt             0.0221  10  0.0022
portlets/portlets/login.pt              0.256   10  0.0256
portlets/portlets/navigation.pt         0.2107  10  0.0211
portlets/portlets/navigation_recurse.pt 0.0625  10  0.0062
portlets/portlets/news.pt               0.0208  10  0.0021

Template                                Total  Hits Per hit
document_view.pt                        2.3318  10  0.2332
plone_javascript_variables.js.pt        0.0362  10  0.0036
portlets/browser/templates/column.pt    0.8706  20  0.0435
portlets/portlets/calendar.pt           0.4542  10  0.0454
portlets/portlets/events.pt             0.0216  10  0.0022
portlets/portlets/login.pt              0.1135  10  0.0114
portlets/portlets/navigation.pt         0.1927  10  0.0193
portlets/portlets/navigation_recurse.pt 0.0622  10  0.0062
portlets/portlets/news.pt               0.0202  10  0.002
portlets/portlets/recent.pt             0.0044  10  0.0004
portlets/portlets/review.pt             0.0043  10  0.0004

A very nice improvement. The main view is 1 second faster, the column.pt is twice as fast. Classic is gone. :)

Breakdown of document_view shows (same order/units as above):
path: plone_view/globalize       0.232   10  0.0232
path: plone_view/globalize      0.4314  10      0.04314

path: plone_view/globalize          0.3136  10  0.03136

Seems to have speeded up globalize a bit too, but still slower than my initial benchmark (although I think it does more now).

Logged in, 10 page load of the front page:

Template                                Total  Hits Per hit
contentmenu.pt                          3.2258  10  0.3226
document_view.pt                        7.0318  10  0.7032
plone_javascript_variables.js.pt        0.0455  10  0.0046
portlets/browser/templates/column.pt    1.7239  20  0.0862
portlets/portlets/classic.pt            1.3606  40  0.034
portlets/portlets/events.pt             0.0203  10  0.002
portlets/portlets/login.pt              0.0047  10  0.0005
portlets/portlets/navigation.pt         0.1999  10  0.02
portlets/portlets/navigation_recurse.pt 0.0619  10  0.0062
portlets/portlets/news.pt               0.0184  10  0.0018

Template                                Total  Hits Per hit
document_view.pt                        6.4243  10  0.6424
plone_javascript_variables.js.pt        0.0379  10  0.0038
contentmenu.pt                          3.0057  10  0.3006
portlets/browser/templates/column.pt    1.0863  20  0.0543
portlets/portlets/calendar.pt           0.4532  10  0.0453
portlets/portlets/events.pt             0.0206  10  0.0021
portlets/portlets/login.pt              0.0051  10  0.0005
portlets/portlets/navigation.pt         0.1941  10  0.0194
portlets/portlets/navigation_recurse.pt 0.0622  10  0.0062
portlets/portlets/news.pt               0.0187  10  0.0019
portlets/portlets/recent.pt             0.1997  10  0.02
portlets/portlets/review.pt             0.0918  10  0.0092

Again, about a half of the time in column.pt, a small reduction in document_view, and no classic.pt. :)

Breakdown of document_view shows (same order/units as above):
path: plone_view/globalize       0.8519s  10  0.08519s
path: plone_view/globalize       0.3627   10  0.03627

path: plone_view/globalize  0.4064  10  0.04064

About the same as before.

I guess the next step is to move all the versioning and publishing history to a separate tab, combine them into the same overview, and rename the tab from Versions to History. Then we'll have a better impression of what the logged-in view cost is. :)

(And again, note that I'm not benchmarking requests per second — I'm just locating the most expensive methods to see if we can improve them)


     Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

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