Justizin wrote:

This is incorrect.  If we are storing generated values based on:

 (context, view_name, method_name, keywords)

This is an entirely acceptable key for:

 Zope2 RAMCacheManager
 Zope3 RAMCache
 MemcachedManager, which could be based on either of the above

Sure, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't get false positives in the cache using this approach.

Keep in mind, esp with AJAX, that some requests to the same context
referring to similar data may hit different zope clients and/or

Yes. This doensn't solve that at all, nor does it attempt to. The cache lives exactly as long as one request, and then disappears.

The keys are bound to the context and the perspective from which it is
being accessed, not the request, and there's no reason they should be

Yes there is. Almost all of these values are valid in a particular request, but could be radically different in the next request.

It may be necessary to also use roles in the key, but in comparison
with a hash of the context and all arguments to a method, that's
probably minimal.

Roles, local roles, groups, the changing state of the portal (e.g. some more content is added, removed etc), probably other things I can't think of right now. The complexity is potentially unbounded, which means that the user of the decorator will need a very deep understanding of how the value is cached if they are to avoid false positives in the cache, which in turn would likely lead to insane bugs (note, this is a lot different from caching a piece of content or so, it could lead to SiteErrors all over the place due to inconsistent state being recorded).

There is some concern that memcached may have a limit on cache key
sizes, but it's a very simple C app and could probably be extended

I have no interest in touching C code (or shipping Plone with custom C code). Almost no-one in the community knows how to maintain it.

Feel free to prove me wrong, but not by modifying plone.memoize to support this, it's expressly not its stated purpose.


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