On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:14:13 +0100, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Florian Schulze wrote:
Dang! I knew this was coming. I thought about this for some time now and didn't find a good solution to add a tab here which is not Schema based. There was a thread on archetypes-devel about making interfaces and adapters for Schema and Field stuff, so you could add stuff here, but I don't know the state of it. The problem is, that this is one big form and currently only archetypes handles everything on save, ideally it would delegate the validation and mutation etc, so one could add custom fields here. We also would need to see how this works together with KSS inline validation, but if AT delegates, then it shouldn't be a problem.

You can do this now if you use ContentFlavors (the 3.0 branch), which is in AT svn. The necessary wiring is in AT, but CF probably needs a bit of updating as I'm intending to bend Kapil's use cases a bit. The necessary wiring is in AT.

On the other hand, if we don't mind ATCT depending on plone.app.redirector, we can do this the usual way, with a write-only field and a custom mutator.

I just looked at the source, so I might be wrong. AFAICS there are two problems:

1. If we want to change something in the Schema globaly, then we have to overwrite the adapter from BaseObject to ISchema. Overwrites shouldn't be used in a framework though.

2. AT expects the mutators to be available in the context. I'm not really sure about this.

Let's see how we could to the alias stuff:

- We either overwrite the adapter from BaseObject to ISchema or use a more explicit one from the ATCT base object (which would make it work for ATCT types only).

- In the new adapter we return the original Schema plus the new fields for the alias stuff

- When the form is saved BaseObject._processForm iterates over all the fields of the Schema, gets the widget, calls widget.processForm, then gets field.getMutator and calls it

- To make this work we return our own field with our own widget and mutator

I think what's missing here is a way to provide an adapter from BaseObject to ISchema which is extendable by products. Maybe we could make archetypes_tool a local utility and provide a way to register additional Schema parts. I currently have no real idea how this could work properly. Maybe we should also use interfaces for Fields and Widgets in _processForm to make this more flexible.

Any ideas and insights welcome.

Florian Schulze

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