On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 00:17:01 -0800, Wichert Akkerman <wich...@wiggy.net> wrote:

I strongly suggest that this decision is reconsidered and someone with
proven UI design experience is added to the framework team.

That's not the role of the Framework Team.

If every aspect of Plone that isn't code (documentation, UI, translations, etc) should have a mandated seat on the framework team, there wouldn't be many programmers left. The role of the Framework Team is to recommend to the release manager what parts should be included in the upcoming release, *including* UI, documentation and other concerns, with a special eye on implementation, scalability and future maintainability.

The UI team, documentation team and others can (and should!) raise any issues along the way, as well as help address these. The framework team has an advisory role to the release manager — the UI/docs team should ideally execute in addition to identifying any issues.

The fact that the vote for the new team by the old members was unanimous indicates to me that we have a recognized, skilled, and appropriate team for the upcoming 4.0 release.

Debating this is wasting time at this point. You're entitled to your opinion, but the established process has been followed, and an overwhelming majority seems to be very happy with the new team.

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net

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