Jon Stahl wrote:
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Geir Bækholt · Jarn<> wrote:
There is a step missing here: contributors must not only have signed the
agreement, they must explicitly allow that specific code to be donated to
the foundation. Signing the contributor agreement does not mean all your
code can be moved at will to the foundation.

Yes, of course. Implied but omitted. My bad. Thanks.

So, my question is: what qualifies as "explicit" agreement?  Does it
have to be "on the permanent record" in some manner?

In our business, an email that you keep tends to be enough. I would:

 - Ask the relevant people by email
 - Ask them to reply by email giving explicit consent
 - Store those emails "forever"
 - Make a note in a CONTRIBUTORS.txt or similar that these people
consented on a particular date

If that's ever in dispute, you can go back to those emails.

I don't see a reason for any kind of "wet signature" so long as
they've signed the contributor agreement. We're not *trying* to be
difficult. :)


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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