Regarding the AJAX dialog problems, I just haven't gotten to those because
of holiday busyness. I've watched them as they've come in, and they all look
like they should be easily fixable. I'll make every effort to get to them

I've mainly been checking with Eric on which dialogs would benefit from
AJAX. This is all convenience work, so if there's any dialog that is
resistant to full fixup, we can easily omit it from the AJAX handling. All
of these are set up in a single js file that's part of CMFPlone.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Hanno Schlichting <>wrote:

> Heya.
> Some of us have been busy over the holiday season and worked a bit
> more on Plone 4. The next question now is:
> ...
> JS dialogs
> #9805, #9806, #9921, #9693, #9957, #9964, #9977
> All of these essentially mean that an operation done in a pop-up
> doesn't redirect and reload a new page. So any kind of feedback
> (positive, reconfirmation and failures) is lost. The other problem is
> that the original page (shown in the background of the dialog) might
> show information that is changing as a result of the dialog action.
> For example publishing an object in a dialog, needs to refresh the
> page, as its workflow state needs to be reflected, the item might now
> show up in the navigation tree, a calendar or any other type of
> portlet.
> It's a bit sad to see these problems, as we have already encountered
> all of them, when first applying AJAX/KSS in the early Plone 3 stages.
> We ended up reverting to a non-AJAX UI for most things, as almost all
> of our UI actions can have arbitrary effects.
> I'm afraid that we need to re-evaluate all actions that use the new
> dialogs and discuss them. We haven't had a PLIP review of the
> individual dialogs. I think we have missed to pass on the hard earned
> knowledge learned from the early Plone 3.0 days, but luckily it's not
> too late.
> ...______________________________

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