On 2 September 2010 22:16, Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Laurence,
> +1 to everything here.
> Other big things for me:
>  - I think we want Deco GUI + Blocks rendering as an optional add-on
> for Plone 4.x at some point, to get this tested properly.

We certainly want more people to start using it and use it for
customer projects. It does represent an invasive and radical change
from the status quo, so it is much more of a risk to include in 4.x as
a supported add-on than Dexterity for instance. It's certainly
something we need to talk about more. (And in response to Roel, I'll
certainly be at the conference and keen to talk about it there.)

>  - I think we want WSGI as a supported deployment option in 4.x, 5.0
> at the latest, via the Zope 2.13 WSGI work

WSGI capability will be in Zope 2.13 / Plone 4.1 and while it will
certainly be considered experimental rather than supported at first, I
expect people will start gaining experience with it. I'm hopeful that
we might be able to *require* wsgi for 5.0, but that will depend on
how things work out over the next year or so with 4.x.

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